The all-new DSP website has finally arrived!
Mar 05, 2022
It's about &%$#@&*^$ time.
For many months, I (the "DS" in DSP) have been threatening to launch a new DSP website. Now, after countless interruptions and delays and lots of contemplation and late nights, it's finally here. Well, at least Phase I of the site is ready, anyway, as I have much more in store over the coming weeks and months.
In any event, I'm excited to bring the new site alive, and hope that my visitors, friends, clients, and prospective clients find it to be a step-change above all of my previous websites. I also hope that the new site is seen as more than just an improved web presence for DSP, and that the "depth" of the site (i.e., the goodies found inside) prove beneficial to all who consume them.
Why the big delay in launching?
Because, I had some major decisions to contemplate about where I was going, and how I was going to get there. And, that included assessments of several website and on-line course hosting platforms, of which there are many options.
In the end, I chose Kajabi as my platform of choice, and once I committed to using Kajabi (more on Kajabi on a future blog post), I made a significant change to my marketing strategy (which, of course, includes my website) in that I wanted to offer a series of informational / instructional eBooks as downloads (some for free) for my prospective clients. I also wanted the delivery of these books to be smooth and automated.
In the end, I wrote seven eBooks over 2020 and 2021 (yes, seven!), and most will be available as part of this launch. Truth be told, I'm keeping one of my "music" books in my back pocket for future use. I also have two additional "travel" eBooks planned for 2022, but you'll have to hang around if you want access to them.
Furthermore... Though I consider myself to be a competent writer, I'm currently not the most efficient at the task, but it's a skill that I'm building. Fact is, the books took me longer to produce than anticipated. Then again, writing seven books in about a year is quite an achievement, I suppose, especially when I had to do it while running my day-to-day business, not to mention my life.
In any event, this writing binge, along with a few of life's trials and tribulations to deal with, led to a long delay in finally getting the site off the ground. That's all behind me. Well, for now, anyway, as you'll learn Phases II and III of the launch are still in the working.
You'll see a few "buttons" scattered throughout the website, many pertaining to the eBooks. Obviously, this is how you access them. As you might guess, like you see all over the internet now with downloadable "freebies", your opt-in will lead to a "conversation", and some special benefits from DSP (in addition to the eBooks themselves). These download buttons are the only way to obtain the books. I will not be distributing them outside of the website automation.
Other features on the new site that differ from my past websites include:
- A clear demarcation between all of my services, starting with the Home Page option to either travel down my "photography" path, or go down the "instruction" path, or see what's on offer for my "art". Each path will bring you to what is essentially a separate website for the three high-level services, though the branding is obviously congruent (and all are on the same Kajabi host platform, apart from a satellite site that will host my print ordering activities).
- An emphasis on "storytelling", inspired by one of my favorite authors, Donald Miller (with a touch of Rob Biesenbach thrown in). Why "stories"? I'll elaborate on that in an upcoming blog post.
- A significantly-expanded "About" page that provides all of the highlights and milestones of the DSP story, dating back to pre-launch in 2003. In fact, it dates back to about 1980 when I was just a "teenager with a camera". That said, this page is hidden and can only be accessed via a future blog post.
- Frequently Asked Questions for each DSP service.
- got f-stop? A new blog, with an old name. (what you are reading now).
- Dedicated pages for my private instruction / mentoring, and my virtual critique service.
- An entirely new and improved user experienced, redesigned from the ground up.
Now do you see why there has been such a delay?
And, it doesn't stop there with what I'm calling "Phase I". In the coming weeks and months, I will be rolling out "Phase II" of the launch, which will include:
- A selection of affordable on-line photography courses.
- At least two comprehensive mentor programs.
- An exclusive membership program for my instruction clients.
- A new print product for photography enthusiasts.
- A fun and affordable subscription plan for friends and fans.
And, then there is Phase III...
- Access to an all-new DSP Print Center (hosted on a different platform, offering a drop-ship service).
- Custom signed prints will always be available, of course!
And, if that's not enough, there will eventually be a "Phase IV" somewhere down the road, where I offer Life & Business Coaching, focusing on "creativity" (details TBA), initially under the DSP brand, but with a longer-term plan to establish the service as its own brand.
Oh, and I also have plans for a series of hard-copy books to release, ranging from my travel photography and stories, to my poetry, to instructional photography books.
Never a dull moment. Welcome to my world, and to the new DSP website!
May you enjoy the new experience, and may the new direction of DSP be of greater help to those with whom I work.
Should you find any glitches, typos, or navigation problems, please reach out and let me know. Thanks so much!
And, thank you for your continued interest in DSP!